Monday, April 22, 2013

Yeah for Being Alive

Sooooo  I have a new appreciation for being alive :)  This week we were going to visit an investigation family and in the parking lot a man rolled down his window next to us and talked to my companion, it was a little weird... Well the man was a member of the church and recognized us as missionaries but he was there because he was a US Marshal and he told us they were about to carry out an operation so we might want to leave (he had a bullet proof vest with him and everything).  But he asked where our appointment was and told us we would be fine.  So we went, but they weren't home, so we ran out of there as fast as we could!  It’s wonderful how God is watching out for us in some of the strangest ways.

But aside from that I’m doing great!  That family we were trying to visit is amazing. They all came to church yesterday and we have gotten to teach them a ton.  Only thing is that last night our lesson got hijacked by the members of the branch and they did amazing, but taught the entire plan of salvation and gospel of Jesus Christ (at the same time).  I just hope the family's heads didn’t roll off that night.  I’m really loving these people more and more and I can tell we are doing good here.  It is a ton of hard work but so worth it to save souls!

So I have really learned the importance of strengthening our strengths. This week Sister Killpack told me that and I thought about it with our Branch.  We have been really trying to strengthen it more and more and because of that we are getting referrals, so we can have some more people to teach!

I also had to give my first talk in church in Spanish yesterday!   Thank goodness they were nice and just had me be a youth speaker so I only spoke for 3 minutes but still it was a bit crazy.   However everyone told me I did wonderful and that they understood everything I said!   Yeah for that!!!

Much love to all!
Hermana Grove

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